
Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of this act is to define the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of HoD and the members(Service users of which agreed to the following terms and completed the registration procedure. Hereinafter referred to as "member") when registering as the member and using the internet service(hereinafter referred to as '"service", that are provided by "HoD", which are accessible from any wired/wireless device) which are provided by HoD Web 3.0 & HoD World(hereinafter referred to as “HoD”).

Article 2 (Explanation, validity, and revision of the terms and conditions)

① HoD displays the following content on the first page of the service to make it easier for members to check.
② HoD can amend these terms and conditions to the extent that they do not violate related laws such as the Online Digital Content Industry Development Act, the Consumer Protection Act in e-commerce, the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, and the Framework Act on Consumers.
③ If and when HoD revises the terms and conditions, it shall notify the service website of the current terms and conditions from fifteen(15) days before the application date and for a considerable period after the application date, or if the amendment is unfavorable to the members from 30(30) days before the application date.
④ If there is no expression of intention, it shall be deemed to have approved the changed terms and conditions, even though HoD notified the members in accordance with the preceding paragraph and clearly notified them that it was approved if they did not express their refusal by 7 days after the date of the announcement and notice. If a member does not agree to the revised terms and conditions, the member may terminate the use contract pursuant to Article 15 (1).

Chapter 2 Registration and Management of the Members

Article 3 (Procedure of registration)

① If a Service User has read these Terms and Conditions and has taken a method of pressing the "Agreed" button or checking "Confirm", etc., they are considered to have agreed to these Terms and Conditions.
② HoD's membership registration for service use shall be made by entering the essentials including the member ID in the online membership application set by HoD after the service user agrees as in paragraph (1), and pressing the "Register" or "OK" button. However, if HoD deems it necessary, it may require the member to submit a separate document.

Article 4 (Establishment, reservation, and rejection of membership registration)

① Membership registration is established by applying for membership by service users according to the procedure set forth in Article 3 and HoD's consent to membership registration. When an applicant for membership has faithfully entered essentials, etc., and completed the application for membership, HoD shall confirm the necessary matters and approve it without delay. However, this shall not apply in case of additional data is required other than the submission of an application for membership.
② HoD may withhold the consent of membership registration in cases falling under any of the following subparagraphs.
1. In the event that there is no realistic margin for the capacity of the providing service
2. In the event that there seems to be a technical issue with providing the service
3. In the event that HoD finds it necessary in terms of financial or technical reason
③ HoD may refuse membership registration in cases falling under any of the following subparagraphs.
1. In the event that the contents of the application for membership are falsely stated or an application for membership is filed with false documents
2. In the event that a child under the age of 14 does not receive consent to the provision of personal information from his/her parents or other legal representatives;
3. In the event where it HoD recognized that it may be opposed to social order and customs based on related laws, etc.
4. In the event that a member whose contract was terminated by HoD pursuant to Article 15 (2), reapplies for membership.

Article 5 (Responsibility for the management of member ID, etc.)

① The member shall be responsible for all disadvantages caused by the member's intention or negligence, such as the member's ID for service use, the management of passwords, and the illegal use of his/her ID by a third party.
② If a member's ID, password, and additional information are stolen or recognized by a third party, he/she shall immediately take measures such as changing his/her password and immediately notify HoD and follow HoD's instructions.

Article 6 (Collection of personal information, etc.)

HoD collects necessary personal information from members in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations to provide services.

Article 7 (Change of membership information)

A member shall immediately change any of the matters falling under any of the following subparagraphs on the member information management page. In this case, HoD shall not be liable for damages caused by the member's failure to change or update personal information.
1. Email address
2. Other details recognized by HoD

Chapter 3 Use of services

Article 8 (Use of services)

① The service can be used right after HoD's consent of the use of the service.
② In principle, the service hours shall be 24 hours per day (00:00-24:00) except for cases where the servicing is impossible due to HoD's business or technical reasons. However, due to regular inspections of service facilities, HoD can limit the service to specific ranges and set a date and time separately.

Article 9 (Notification of change of service contents, etc.)

If the service is changed or terminated due to the termination of the contract with the CP (Contents Provider) contracted by HoD for the provision of the service, change of CP, or initiation of a new service, HoD may notify the change or termination of the service.

Article 10 (Attribution of rights and use of works)

① The copyright of posts, etc. posted by members within the service (hereinafter referred to as "posts, etc.") belongs to the author of the post.
② HoD can freely collect, preserve, modify, distribute, copy, and provide the language data for the publication of dictionaries, language research, and establishment of language databases, and allowing third parties to use it to the same extent as HoD.
③ Posts, etc. can be exposed through online websites, mobile applications, and affiliated companies operated by HoD, and can also be exposed to search results or related promotions. Some modifications, reproductions, edits, and publications may be made to the extent necessary for this exposure. In this case, HoD complies with the copyright law regulations, and members can take measures such as deleting or non-disclosing such posts through the support center or the manage feature in each service at any time.

Article 11 (Restriction and suspension of service use)

① HoD may restrict or suspend members' use of the service in the event of any reason falling under any of the following subparagraphs.
1. When a member intentionally or negligently interferes with the operation of the HoD service.
2. Where a member violates the obligations under Article 13.
3. When it is unavoidable due to inspection, maintenance, or construction of service facilities.
4. Where a key telecommunications service provider prescribed in the Telecommunications Business Act, suspends telecommunications services
5. When there is a disruption to the use of services due to a national emergency, a failure of service facilities, or congestion in the use of services.
6. Where HoD deems it inappropriate to continue providing services due to other serious reasons
② When HoD restricts or suspends the use of the service pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, he/she shall inform the members of the reason and the restriction period.
③ If HoD decides to terminate the contract with the member and suspend the use of the service pursuant to Article 15 (2), HoD stores the identification data to stop the member from the use of service and block additional registration.
④ Based on the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.(hereinafter referred to as the "Information and Communication Network Act"), a member or a third party whose rights have been violated by other members' public posts, such as infringing their privacy or defaming them(hereinafter referred to as an "applicant for deletion, etc."), may request HoD to delete or post a rebuttal. In this case, HoD will take measures to temporarily block access to such posts (hereinafter referred to as "temporary measures") for up to 30 days if it is not possible to determine whether the posts are infringed or if a dispute is expected between the parties.
⑤ A member whose post, etc. has taken temporary measures pursuant to paragraph (4) may request HoD to restore the post (hereinafter referred to as "repost request") during the temporary measure period. and HoD may request the post to be deleted by the Korea Communications Standards Commission if the requester agrees. If there is no agreement with the requester, HoD may decide whether to repost or not. When there is a repost request, the decision made by the Korea Communications Standards Commission or HoD within the temporary action period will be followed, and if the decision is not within the temporary action period, the post will be restored after the expiration date. If there is no request for reposting, such posts may be deleted after the expiration of the temporary deletion period.
⑥ HoD may take transitory temporary-measures (hereinafter referred to as "transitory temporary-measures") if it deems that posts, etc. posted in the service infringe on the rights of third parties, such as privacy or defamation, even without the report by member or third party under paragraph (4). The procedures for processing any transitory temporary-measured post shall be in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 4 and 5.
⑦ If another member or a third party takes civil or criminal action(e.g. filing civil litigation such as criminal complaint, provisional disposition application, a claim for damages) against the member or HoD on the basis of infringement of legal interests due to the member's posts, HoD may temporarily restrict access to the relevant posts, etc. until a court final judgment is made as a result of the same action. The responsibility for clarifying legal measures related to restricting access to posts, etc., and clarifying the court's final decision shall be borne by the person requesting action on posts, etc.

Article 12 (Obligation of HoD)

① HoD shall faithfully implement measures such as maintenance, inspection, or restoration of HoD's facilities related to the provision and security of services in accordance with the continuous and stable provision of services.
② HoD does not send commercial e-mails, SMS text messages, etc. for commercial purposes that members have not agreed to receive.
③ HoD strives to protect the personal information of the members acquired in connection with the provision of the service without leaking or distributing it to third parties without their consent. Other matters concerning the protection of members' personal information shall be governed by the Information and Communication Network Act and the "Personal Information Management Guidelines" separately set by the HoD.
④ If HoD provides the service to a member through a service provision contract with a third party, HoD shall comply with relevant laws and regulations, such as specifying the member's personal information provided to a third party in each individual service and sharing the member's personal information only during the service period.

Article 13 (Obligation of member)

① A member shall not engage in any of the following acts:
1. Registering false information when applying for or changing membership
2. Changing the information posted on HoD's service or using the information obtained through the service for profit or non-profit purposes without HoD's prior consent, or providing it to a third party.
3. Receiving money by providing an opportunity to promote oneself to a third party using the service provided by HoD by acting on behalf of a third party, or transferring the right to use the service and receiving money in return.
4. Infringement of the rights of HoD or a third party, such as posting false information about HoD or other third parties, or infringing intellectual property rights.
5. Dealing with or penalizing others' reputation
6. Posting sexual content on bulletin boards, etc., or linking (links) pornographic sites.
7. Impersonating and falsely stating the relationship with another person
8. Propagating false information for the purpose of causing damage or giving property benefits to oneself or others.
9. Gambling
10. Mediating prostitution or distributing information that mediates obscene acts.
11. Unjust use of the service by stealing the ID and password of another member;
12. Junk, spam, chain letters, encouraging people to join a pyramid scheme, sending obscene or violent messages, videos, voices, etc., or disclosing or posting information contrary to public morals.
13. Transmitting or posting information (computer programs, etc.) that is prohibited from transmission or posting under relevant laws and regulations such as the Information and Communication Network Act.
14. Posting harmful youth media prescribed by the Youth Protection Act.
15. Disseminating information, sentences, signs, voices, etc. that violate public order or customs.
16. Posting or sending e-mails under the guise of or impersonating HoD's employee or service manager, or in the name of another person.
17. Posting or e-mailing data containing software viruses, other computer codes, files, and programs designed to interfere with or destroy the normal operation of computer software, hardware, and telecommunications equipment.
18. Acts that interfere with the use of other members' services, such as aggregation, splashing, swearing, and posting.
19. Torturing other users, such as stalking, false or malicious reporting abuse.
20. Collecting, storing, and disclosing other members' personal information without their consent.
21. Posting advertisements or promotions for random members.
22. Reversing, decompiling, and disassembling software provided by HoD.
23. Violation of the current laws and regulations on the use of services, terms, and conditions set for services provided by HoD.
② HoD may delete or temporarily delete the relevant posts, etc., restrict the use of the service, or terminate this contract unilaterally if the member acts under paragraph (1).
③ If adult certification is required according to the relevant laws and regulations among the services provided by HoD, members shall provide real-name information to HoD according to the method provided by HoD to use the service. It complies with relevant laws and regulations, such as sharing with 3 parties.

Article 14 (Prohibition of transfer)

The member's right to receive service cannot be used for transfer, gift, or pledge purposes.

Article 15 (Termination of Contract for Use)

① When a member intends to terminate the service use contract, he/she may delete the member's ID and withdraw according to the procedure set by HoD in the member information management at any time.
② If a member violates the provisions of Article 13, HoD may unilaterally terminate this contract, and if this causes any damage to the operation of the service, he/she may also be held liable for civil or criminal damage.
③ If there is no log-in record in HoD's service to use the service for one(1) year in a row, HoD may disqualify its membership.
④ If this use contract is terminated, all "messages, posts, etc." logged to your personal area, such as a member's note and My page will be deleted, but "posts, etc." that are posted and shared by other members or uploaded on the public board will not be deleted.

Chapter 4 Others

Article 16 (Juvenile protection)

HoD is a space that can be freely used by all ages and separately implements youth protection policies under the Information and Communication Network Act to protect teenagers from harmful information and help them use the Internet safely. Details can be found on the initial screen of the service.

Article 17 (Indemnification)

① HoD shall not be responsible for any damage to the members caused by the inability to provide services in any of the following cases:
1. If there is a natural disaster or an equivalent force majeure condition.
2. In the case of intentional service interference by a third party who has signed a service partnership contract with HoD to provide services.
3. In the event that a member is unable to use the service due to reasons attributable to him/her.
4. In the case where there is no intention or negligence of HoD other than subparagraphs 1 or 3.
② HoD does not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, etc. of information, materials, facts, etc. posted on the service by CP or written by members, and shall not be liable for any damage to the members caused by this.

Article 18 (Resolution of Dispute)

These terms and conditions are stipulated and implemented in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Korea, and the court having jurisdiction over the address under the Civil Procedure Act shall be in charge of disputes between HoD and members related to the use of services.

Article 19 (Application mutatis mutandis of provisions)

Matters not specified in these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by relevant laws and regulations, and parts not specified in the Act shall be governed by custom.
These Terms and Conditions shall apply from February 28, 2023.
I agree to the HoD Terms and Conditions.